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Copyright License Rates and Descriptions



Interested in reprinting or projecting the words or melody of a sacred song?
Interested in streaming a worship service containing copyrighted songs?

Visit our licensing partners at ONE LICENSE.





Interested in permission to stream videos from your school that contain copyrighted songs?
Visit our licensing partners at School Music License.

Streaming rights included for social media platforms



Looking to request permission to post a recording of a sacred song to social media?
Review the SYNC - Digital Video Stream - Streaming/Electronic Rights information below in the section MECHANICAL (RECORDING).


Custom Arrangement
Arrange or transcribe a song for non-commercial use by a custom ensemble. Email details to [email protected] for a quote.


Out-of-Print Sheet Music Photocopies
Photocopy a song from an out-of-print publication. $1.00 per song, per copy. $25 minimum license fee.  

Request Permission Online


Single Song Sheet Music Photocopies
Photocopy a single song from a publication or collection. $1.00 per song, per copy. $25 minimum license fee.  

Request Permission Online


Bulletin or Program (One-time use) 
Reprint a song in a church bulletin or songsheet for a one-time church service or event. Contact ONE LICENSE


Overhead Lyric Display (Slides, PowerPoint Projection)
Display song lyrics on slides or PowerPoint presentations in church or other congregational settings. Contact ONE LICENSE


Reusable/Seasonal Insert/Pew Card

Reprint a song in a permanent worship aid for use by a church; valid for the life of the set number of copies. $40.00 fee per song, up to 500 copies. Please request a quote for 500+ copies. Email [email protected]


Commercial Songbook

Reprint a song in a product available for purchase. Email publication details to [email protected].


CD and/or Digital Audio Download (MP3, AAC, WAV)

Record a song for release on a physical product (CD), or record a song for release as a digital download. 2025 RATES: $0.127 (12.7-cents) per song per copy for songs up to 5:00 in duration; $0.0245 (2.45-cents) per song per copy, per minute, for songs 5:01 or longer in duration. $25 minimum license fee. 

Mechanical License Application - Online


Digital Audio Stream

Stream a recording online that is not downloadable for non-commercial purposes. Use an original recording or a purchased recording of the song. $25.00 per song, per 6-month term. Email [email protected] with details: Licensee/Organization name and billing address, song title, author/composer, posting date, length of term requested.


Practice Track

Create practice CDs/MP3s of sacred songs for choir members/ensemble. Contact ONE LICENSE


Video (DVD/Digital Download)

Make a video of the live performance of a song or use a song in the background of a video for release as a DVD or a permanent digital download. $0.20 per song per copy. $25 minimum license fee. 

Mechanical (Sync) License Application - Online [Please specify “Video” in the Special Instructions field.]


SYNC - Digital Video Stream - Streaming/Electronic Rights

Post a video recording of a live or prerecorded performance of a single song to social media platforms (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, etc.) and/or website for non-commercial purposes. Stream a video online (not for permanent download) with a song playing in the background, using an original recording or a purchased recording of the song.

$25.00 per song per video per 6-month term, up to 2 years; $125 flat fee per song per video for term greater than 2 years/in perpetuity.

Submit your request online or email [email protected] with the following details:

• Licensee/Organization name and billing address

• Song title and author/composer

• Posting date

• Length of term requested (in months or years)


Live Performance (Drama or Musical)

Use a song in a public performance of a dramatico-musical work, either by live musicians or from an audio recording played in the background. $25 per song, per week, for amateur productions. For professional productions, please contact us for a quote. Email [email protected] with production details.


Live Performance (Concert)

Use a song in a public performance outside of the context of public worship, either by live musicians or from an audio recording played in the background. $25 per song, per week, for amateur productions. For professional productions, please contact us for a quote. Email [email protected] with performance details.


Streaming/Podcast of Live Worship Services

Live-stream to members of congregation who may be homebound, traveling or serving in active duty, and archive services for the duration of the license. Contact ONE LICENSE for a Podcast/Streaming License.

From Annual, Event, and Single-Use Reprint Licenses to Practice-Track and Podcast/Streaming Licenses, ONE LICENSE has a license that will meet your congregational music reprint needs. Visit to learn more.


In Europe our sub-publisher for sacred music is Small Stone Media,

In Japan our sub-publisher is Little Star Copyright Management

If you do not see what you need on this list or on the ONE LICENSE website, please email your request to [email protected] 
or contact GIA directly at 1-800-GIA-1358.