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Cooney, Rory

Rory Cooney has been Director of Liturgy and Music Ministries at St. Anne Catholic Community in Barrington, Illinois, since 1994. His published compositions span a career of songwriting that began nearly 35 years ago, and continues to the present, as he tries to write to the needs of the church and the communities in which he serves. Early compositions were published by Composers’ Forum for Catholic Worship and Resource Publications in the 1970s, and his works are represented in Gather and RitualSong, as well as other publications.

His recording career began in 1984, and virtually all of his recordings have been collaborations with his wife, Theresa Donohoo, and Gary Daigle. His most recent work with GIA has been the collection Today and Terry Donohoo’s Family Resemblance.

Rory travels with Theresa and Gary Daigle giving concerts, days of renewal, missions, and workshops for parishes, dioceses, and organizations.


Imagining God in Song - Sacred Music

Both the words we sing and the form of our music help to form the image of God in our worship. This workshop helps us look critically at our repertoire both scripturally and liturgically.

Music and Rites of Initiation - Sacred Music

A walk through the initiation rites with musical suggestions. You don't necessarily have to learn all new music to celebrate the rites authentically. And maybe you shouldn't!

Fixing Sunday - Celebrate the Paschal Mystery - Sacred Music

A common challenge to music ministry is that it is organized around Christmas and Easter, and the celebration on Sunday takes a back seat. In fact, it is Sunday that is the great day of the Lord, and it deserves our attention. Repertoire that evokes the paschal mystery of God helps build toward Easter and celebrates an adult Christ at Christmas. This workshop works toward that end.

Choir Days of Renewal - Sacred Music

Take a few hours out and charge the batteries. Reflect together on our common vocation to liturgical music and how it arises from our baptismal vocation. Or rediscover the mystery of the Eucharist by surrendering the mystery of your own real presence to the mystery of Christ. Topics for days of renewal can be suited to your groups needs and desire.