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You Will Draw Water Joyfully / Sacarán Aguas con Alegría

Tony Alonso

Text Adapted: Tony Alonso

Ref. © 1969, 1981, 1997 ICEL. Text Adapt. and Music © 2003 GIA.

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Item #: G-10425    

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Status: Available

Vocal Forces: Unison, Cantor, Assembly

Accompaniment: Keyboard

Guitar: Yes

Separate Instruments: C Instrument, Guitar

Text Source: Ref.: Lectionary for Mass; vv.: Isaiah 12 / Isaías 12:2, 4bcd, 5–6 (cf. 3), adapt. TA

Series: Tu Pueblo Canta

Difficulty Level: E/M


This canticle is appointed as the response to the fifth reading of the Easter Vigil, for the  Solemnity of the Sacred Heart (Year B), and is optional for the Baptism of the Lord (Year B).  It could also be used as a song during the sprinkling rite throughout the Easter Season. The  setting requires a strong cantor to clearly proclaim the calls and elicit a strong congregation  response. Because the cantor always sings the call, various language configurations are possible. The C instrument part is optional.

Categories: Choral/Vocal

Liturgical: Advent 3 C, Baptism of the Lord B, Easter Vigil, Sacred Heart B, Visitation

Rites: Sprinkling Rite

Topical: Praise

Bible Reference: Isaiah 12:2, 3, 4bcd, 5–6

Scored for: Woodwinds

Number of Pages: 12

Language: English; Spanish

Format: Octavo