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The RSCM Guide to Plainchant

An Introduction to Plainsong

Mary Berry, John Rowlands-Pritchard

© 2015 The Royal School of Church Music.

Item #: G-9030     Status: Available

$16.95 Ship

Vocal Forces: Unison

Series: RSCM


The RSCM Guide to Plainchant is a revision of the seminal and best-selling Plainchant for Everyone by Dr. Mary Berry, the leading plainchant expert who died in 2008. This new edition, revised by one of Dr. Berry's pupils, John Rowlands-Pritchard, is reset with an improved and cleaner layout. It also includes a new anthology of plainchant that singers and choir directors will find invaluable. Cantors, in particular, will find this book essential reading.

See a video introducing this great new chant resource from RSCM.

In the video, John explains the origins of plainchant, and how it can be relevant in the twenty-first century. He works with a group of singers from the RSCM to demonstrate how easy it can be to pick up the basic techniques of singing plainchant using the new volume.


Part One: Plainchant for Everyone, Part Two: An Anthology of Plainchant. Frontmatter indicates portions previously published; updated edition, "reissued."

Categories: Chant, Formational Resources, Royal School

Number of Pages: 112

Language: English

Format: Softcover