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The Mass of Saint Cyprian - Choral / Accompaniment edition

Revised Order of Mass 2010

Kenneth W. Louis

Words © 1969, 1981, 1997, 2010 ICEL. Published with the approval of the Committee on Divine Worship, USCCB. Setting © 2001, 2010 GIA.


Item #: G-7806    

PDF for $6.90

Status: Available

$6.90 Ship

Status: Available

Vocal Forces: SATB, Cantor, Priest, Assembly

Accompaniment: Keyboard

Text Source: Revised Order of Mass 2010; Lectionary for Mass

Series: Mass

Difficulty Level: E/M


With a highly spirited, uplifting gospel sound, The Mass of Saint Cyprian is truly a celebration! This full Mass setting is accessible to varied resources, from cantor and assembly to the incredible power of adding a rhythm section and gospel choir. Louis uses call-and-response throughout the Mass, making it easy for the assembly to join in. 

Categories: African American, Choral/Vocal

Rites: Lord, Have Mercy / Kyrie, Glory to God / Gloria, Gospel Acclamation, Holy, Holy, Holy / Sanctus, Memrorial Acclamaton A / We Proclaim Your Death, Memorial Acclamation B / When We Eat This Bread, Memorial Acclamation C / Save Us, Savior of the World, Doxol

Number of Pages: 36

Language: English

Format: Softcover