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Sing with Understanding - Second Edition

An Introduction to Christian Hymnology

Harry Eskew, Hugh T. McElrath

© 1980, rev. © 1995 GIA.

Item #: G-9224     Status: Available

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The basic purpose of Sing with Understanding is to contribute to more meaningful congregational singing of hymns. It seeks to address the needs of those who lead in corporate worship -- clergy and musicians -- and also attempts to bring others, including lay persons, to a greater appreciation of their hymnals and the fascinating heritage of church song. Its primary use, however, is as a textbook for college and seminary classes in hymnology and related areas. This revised edition has provided the opportunity to update the bibliography. Because of the large number of new publications in hymnology, the bibliography is selective rather than comprehensive. In addition to updating each of the original chapters, this edition concludes with an epilogue that focuses on trends and issues in hymnody in the 1980's and 1990's, especially in Britain and America. Another significant change is the expansion to referencing hymns from five major recent hymnals. This provides a broader coverage of song available to American congregations in the closing decade of this century. Hymnology is a rewarding field of investigation. Along with increased understanding, it is hoped that this book will contribute to helping persons "sing with the spirit: with true inspiration and enthusiasm, whether they may worship and serve.

Categories: Congregational, Hymnology

Number of Pages: 400

Language: English

Format: Softcover