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Pastorella: Offertory for Christmas - Full Score and Parts

Parvulus filius / Behold the Little Child

Editor: Jane Hettrick

Translator: Jane Hettrick

English Tr. and Ed. © 2008 GIA.


Item #: G-7177INST     Status: Available

PDF for $50.00

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Vocal Forces: SATB

Accompaniment: Organ

Instrumental parts included: Violin I, Violin II, Cello, Trombone I, Trombone II

Text Source: Isaiah 9:6, Latin Vulgate, alt.

Seasonal: Christmastide

Liturgical: Christmas Vigil, Christmas Night, Christmas Dawn, Christmas Day

Bible Reference: Isaiah 9:6

Scored for: Brass, Mixed Ensemble, Strings

Language: English; Latin

Format: Printed