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Music Education Doctoral Study for the 21st Century

Edwin E. Gordon

© 2011 GIA.

Item #: G-7972     Status: Available

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Series: Music Learning Theory (MLT)


This provocative book by Edwin E. Gordon calls for fundamental change in priorities for doctoral music education students throughout the United States and the world.

Dr. Gordon makes a compelling case for change in course content, graduate-level research, and musicianship development programs of doctoral students.

Specifically, Dr. Gordon advocates designing doctoral music education curriculums that are properly sequenced to benefit doctoral students and also to serve as models for post graduates to guide elementary, middle, and secondary teachers in developing sequential music curriculums for their students in lower schools.

Topics covered include:

  • How to teach to students' individual musical differences
  • How to develop, administer, and interpret results of music aptitude and music achievement tests
  • How to interpret music notation and historical implications
  • Importance of objective empirical and experimental research
  • Importance of developing audiation skills and overall musicianship
  • Importance of early childhood music education
  • Importance of incorporating movement and breathing in the teaching of rhythm
  • Importance of tonal, rhythm, and harmonic patterns
  • Importance of harmonic improvisation

Music Education Doctoral Study for the 21st Century is a compelling book for those who care about ensuring that the future leaders of the music education profession receive the best possible contemporary information and guidance.

Edwin E. Gordon is known throughout the world as a preeminent researcher, teacher, author, lecturer, and editor. He lives with his wife, Carol, in Columbia, South Carolina. 

Categories: Reference/Textbooks, Skill Building

Number of Pages: 170

Language: English

Format: Softcover