Collection © 2012 GIA. Refs. © 1969, 1981, 1997 ICEL. Psalm Verses © 2010 Conception Abbey/The Grail, admin. GIA. Canticle Verses © 1963 The Grail, admin. GIA. Individual copyrights may apply.
Item #: G-8152
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Text Source: Refs. Lectionary for Mass; vv. The Revised Grail Psalms or The Grail 1963
This book of Lectionary psalms, written by some of today's finest African American Composers, contains the responsoral psalms for all of the Sundays, Solemnities, and Feasts of the Lord for the three-year cycle of the Lectionary for Mass. It also uses texts from The Revised Grail Psalms which are designated to be the official English-language Psalter used in future Roman Catholic liturgical books. Many of the psalms have the verse set as part of the composition. For the majority, however, the verses are set to a variety of psalm tones, some by the composer of the antiphon and many drawn from other sources. The cantor-psalmist may chant the text to the tone as written, or, following the practice of chanting psalm tones which has evolved in African American Catholic communities, the cantor may use the tone as the outline for creative improvisation.
Categories: African American, Cantor Resources, Choral/Vocal, Lectionary Psalms, Liturgical
Number of Pages: 232
Language: English
Format: Spiral