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Lectionary Psalms - Michel Guimont - CD

Full Set of Lectionary Psalms Recordings: CD-940, CD-941, C-942, CD-943

Michel Guimont


Item #: CD-939     Status: Available

$69.95 Ship


These recordings are intended to serve as a model and teaching-rehearsal tool for your parish cantors.

The complete set of psalms for the entire Lectionary cycle is present and each psalm is recorded in its entirety.

Cantors Bob Valle and Maureen Kordesh expertly model the psalms with proper phrasing and inflection. David Anderson accompanies using a sampling of both organ and piano.

For those who would like examples and insights on possible choral renditions of Guimont psalmody, listen to the recording of the original Guimont Lectionary Psalms (CD-445).

Format: CD