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First and Final - Volume 1

Introductions Modulations and Free Harmonizations for Familiar Hymntunes

Edward Eicker


Item #: 003039    

PDF for $18.00

Status: Available

$18.00 Ship

Status: Available

Accompaniment: Organ

Tune Name: Aurelia, Duke street, Hyfrydol, Hymn to joy, Lasst uns erfreuen, Lobe den herren, Materna, Nettleton, Nicaea,  old hundredth

Series: Organ Library


A very practical collection for accompanying hymns. Composer Edward Eicker has taken ten familiar and frequently-used hymn tunes and provided each with an artful introduction and a free harmonization, often used for a final stanza. In addition, there is a modulation provided for each tune that takes the hymn up one step. The modulation is followed by the same free harmonization in the new key. This collection provides organists with great flexibility—any one of the four items provided for the hymns can be used by itself or in any combination with the others.

Categories: Hymnody, Organ

Topical: Hymns

Format: Printed