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Choose to Love

Brother Roger of Taizé 1915–2005

© 2006, English Tr. © 2007 Taizé. Publ. and dist. by GIA.

The name “Taizé” and the dove-cross symbol are registered as trademarks of Ateliers et Presses de Taizé.

Item #: G-7303     Status: Available

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Series: Taize


A Tribute to the founder of the Taizé Community

This new book from the Taizé Community pays tribute to the principal intuitions of Brother Roger and how he worked them out practically in the course of the community’s history. Some texts for his books and letters are printed here, as well as excerpts from a long conversation recorded in 1992 that were never published. Beside each of these texts there are a few of the thousands of messages of condolence sent to Taizé after Brother Roger’s death. Choose to Love is the title that Brother Roger intended to give an unfinished book that he was preparing during the last weeks of his life. Some texts he collected for this book are also included.

Categories: Biography, Taizé

Number of Pages: 142

Language: English

Format: Softcover