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Canticum novum

Gregorian Chant for Today's Choirs

Anthony Ruff

© 2012 GIA. English Psalm Verses: © 2010 Conception Abbey/The Grail, admin. GIA. English Canticle Verses: © 2008 Conception Abbey, admin. GIA. NAB © 1970 CCD. NRSV © 1989 Division of Christian Education of the NCCC-USA. Tones for English Psalms © St. Meinrad Archabbey.

Item #: G-7559     Status: Available

$16.95 Ship

Vocal Forces: Unison

Text Source: The Revised Grail Psalms; NAB; NRSV

Music Source: Modern Solesmes editions; psalm tones of English verses from St. Meinrad Archabbey

Difficulty Level: E/M


 From renowned chant expert and scholar Anthony Ruff, OSB, comes an incredible collection of Gregorian chant for choirs. The book contains 100 hymns and antiphons with psalm verses for every season and occasion. Word-by-word English translations of the Latin responses are provided to aid the singers’ understanding. The psalm verses are in Latin and English on facing pages with easy-to-follow pointing to match the psalm tones. The English psalm verses are from the Revised Grail Psalms. A demonstration recording of chants from Canticum novum is also available. This disc provides a very helpful model of singing these chants, while representing the broad range of chants in the complete collection. This groundbreaking work is sure to become a foremost resource for teaching and learning chant.

Categories: Chant, Choral/Vocal, Formational Resources, Skill Building

Number of Pages: 230

Language: English; Latin

Format: Softcover