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I'll Sing On

My First 96 Years

Publisher's Introduction

By Michael Silhavy

Church musicians have the privileged task of putting words in people’s mouths through their ministry of leading a congregation’s song. They enable God’s people to voice their praise, thanks, love, joy, sorrow, lament, trust, and faith. Even more privileged are hymnal editors who lead a team entrusted with shaping a denomination’s or nation’s sung prayer. Among the group of people who have served in such a capacity, few have done it as well—or as long—as Sam Young. Sam is also a skilled composer and has a keen ear for the matching of words and music. Every good text, no matter the era or source, needs a good tune; Sam finds or provides them.

Sam has long been an innovator in giving God’s people something to sing, and something to sing about. He embraced ecumenism and social justice before the profound ecclesial changes of the 1960’s. With publications like Songbook for Saints and Sinners, he challenged congregations to use the songs of the street in the sanctuary. His affinity for global repertoire and various musical styles gave some congregations the first chance to hear music other than their own. Most recently, he has edited collections of music centered on death, memorial, and the promise of eternal life.

Many of the names, sites and institutions mentioned within this book will be well known to the reader. What a delight to know that one shares a connection with Sam to these people and places. Others will be unknown; who better than Sam to introduce them to us?

GIA Publications is honored to publish the texts and tunes of the very best authors and composers writing for the church. It’s a privilege for us to be Sam’s publisher. Here’s to our ongoing relationship.

These musings and memoirs are the song of a remarkable life. Sing on Sam!

~ Michael Silhavy

Senior Project Editor
GIA Publications, Inc.