Dr. William Tortolano serves as Professor Emeritus of Music and Fine Arts at Saint Michael's College, Vermont. He earned his Bachelor of Music at Boston University, Master of Music from the New England Conservatory of Music, and his Licenciate in Sacred Music and Doctor of Music from L'Universite de Montreal. Dr. Tortolano has been a Visiting Fellow at Trinity, St. Catherine's, and King's Colleges in Cambridge, England, and has also held a Fellowship from the National Foundation for the Humanities at Yale University and researched Gregorian Chant at St. Pierre de Solesmes. Dr. Tortolano is the author of
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: Anglo-Black Composer,
Original Music for Men's Voices,
The Mass and The Twentieth-Century Composer, as well as over 35 music editions from GIA Publications.
Gregorian Chant-Sacred Music - Sacred Music
The venerable Dr. Tortolano,leads participants in a quick, easy introduction to the Church's musical language. Sing the liturgy: cantors, congregation, choir directors and members, and more.
Sing the Psalms - Sacred Music - Sacred Music
An aesthetic and practical way to sing the psalms within the eight psalm tones: Latin or English. The easy solution - is to find and create the antiphon from authentic chant. Everyone gets involved and sings!
Organ Recital-Sacred Music - Sacred Music
A cornucopia overflows with great organ music inspired by Gregorian Chant. The organ concert includes the Chant sung by the audience, choir, or cantor with the organ composition. A practical way to inspire the role of chant within the liturgy. A pipe organ is preferred but not mandatory.
The Singing Liturgy-Sacred Music - Sacred Music
A choral reading session that re-energizes the role of Medieval and Renaissance Choral music. The foundation of choral singing with easy, liturgical, and beautiful sounds in harmony.