Sondra Tucker is Director of Music and Organist at Christ Church Presbyterian in Bellaire, Texas, where she directs all musical ensembles of the church. She is a graduate of the University of Arkansas and the University of Memphis, and holds the AAGO and Choir Master certifications from the American Guild of Organists. Her published compositions include music for handbells, choir, and organ. She self-publishes flute ensemble music through her own QuickSilver Publications. Ms. Tucker is in demand as a handbell clinician throughout the country, where she is known for her supportive teaching style and unerring musical instincts.
Handbells in Worship - Sacred Music
This workshop examines the many ways that handbells may be utilized within worship services. Incorporating bells into liturgical services is emphasized, along with appropriate literature.
Score study for handbell directors - Sacred Music
Reading a handbell score with its specialized notation, anticipating and pre-solving problems, making ringing assignments, maximizing precious rehearsal minutes, and other situational issues are discussed in this class.
Skills, Drills, and Thrills - Music Education,Sacred Music
This class shows ringers and directors how to build the skills needed to perform bell music of all levels. Instead of teaching skills to each specific ringer as needed during the rehearsal, design your warmup drills to practice the skills that are upcoming in your literature. The take-home packet of ideas will get you started!