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Marcheschi, Nancy

NANCY SEITZ MARCHESCHI Nancy performs with and choreographs for the Anawim Players of Chicago for which she is also the co-Director. She is a frequent presenter and performer at religious education and ministry conferences across the country where she offers workshops on the ministry of proclamation and on liturgical dance and drama. Nancy teaches performing arts and directs children's liturgies at Pope John XXIII School in Evanston, IL and has served on the faculties of the Institute of Pastoral Studies, Loyola University Chicago and Retreats International, University of Notre Dame. With her husband, Graziano, she has authored five volumes of Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers, including the 2010 Edition, and Scripture at Weddings: Choosing and Proclaiming the Word of God. Audio and video publications include The Word Well Spoken: Skills for the Lector and a video series with Jack Shea called Come & See: Living Lessons from the Gospel of John. Recently, Nancy contributed to an early childhhod publication published by Loyola Press which includes original choreography and gestures for a number of children’s songs. Nancy and Graziano created a major performance-prayer event presented in Phoenix, Arizona during the 1987 pastoral visit to the U.S. of Pope John Paul II. Nancy and Graziano reside in Chicago; they have two daughters, a son and a new granddaughter.