Elder Michael H. Reid, an ordained minister of the gospel, is currently serving as Music and Arts Director of the one church in three locations Soul Factory (Church of the Lords Disciples) under the leadership of Pastors Deron and Jill Cloud. He also serves as consulting Minister of Music at The Ark of Safety Christian Church in Upper Marlboro, Maryland where the founding pastor is Bishop C. Anthony Muse. Reid also is the president and founder of Redeemed Music House Publishers LLC.
Reid has studied music under some of the most acclaimed artists and teachers, including Professor William (Bill) Cummings, Coppin State University; jazz great Charles Covington; and others. He also has studied at various music institutes, such as the world-renowned Peabody Conservatory of Music. He continues to develop his gift in graduate studies at Morgan State University, and has studied under the tutelage of the esteemed late Dr. Nathan Carter.
An accomplished musician, composer, songwriter, arranger, and choir director, Reid has penned many songs of inspiration and has become noted for his stirring arrangements of hymns, such as "Even Me," Bind Me Closer, Every Knee Shall Bow, My Jesus I "Love Thee," "Come Thou Fount," and "Jesus Paid it All," to name a few. These arrangements have received international acclaim, having been recognized and performed by the Hampton Choir Directors and Organists Guild, the Gospel Music Workshop of America, and other international organizations, universities and churches throughout the United States and abroad.