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Mangan, Michael

Michael Mangan is an Australian composer, educator and liturgist who has written over 250 pieces which are widely used in liturgy and religious education throughout the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. He tours extensively each year presenting concerts in schools and parishes and conducting workshops for pastoral musicians, teachers and liturgy teams. Michael performs and speaks at conferences and events throughout North America and Australasia. A former specialist music teacher, he has a special interest in liturgical and religious music for children.

In addition to qualifications in Arts, Music, and Education, Michael holds a Master of Theology in Liturgical Studies. He is National Chair of the Australian Pastoral Musicians Network (Australia’s NPM), a member of the Australian Academy of Liturgy, a board member of the journal, "Pastoral Liturgy," and a Liturgy Education Consultant with the Archdiocese of Brisbane. Michael is leader of music ministry in All Saints Catholic Parish in Brisbane.