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Hess, Lorraine

Lorraine Hess is a Catholic singer, songwriter, music minister, and recording artist born and raised in New Orleans. She grew up in a family of Jazz and Cajun musicians, and her writing is strongly influenced by her South Louisiana heritage. She is a graduate of Louisiana State University and has a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University Institute for Ministry, New Orleans. She has served the church in music since age 16, and she currently directs music ministry at St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Metairie, Louisiana in the Archdiocese of New Orleans.

She has released six solo albums of original liturgical and sacred music: We Shall Be Healed (2008); Child of God (2010), Cradle in Bethlehem (2012), As I Pray (2015) and Glorify Him, (2017), produced by World Library Publications, and her most recent project, See the Miracle (2019). Her music can also be found in WLP’s CD compilations, More Voices as One I, II, and III. Lorraine also produced the music video, "With a Father's Heart" with the song she wrote of the same title. 

She has performed at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the National Association of Pastoral Musicians Convention, the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry, Mid-Atlantic Congress, the International Catholic Stewardship Conference, the Catholic Women of Faith Conference (Nashville), New Orleans World Youth Day, the National Catholic Educators Association Convention & Expo, the Catholic Health Association Conference, the New Orleans Archdiocese Leadership Celebration, the National Organization for Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy (NOCERCC) & at concerts, youth events, parish missions, retreats and liturgies throughout the country. Lorraine has also performed in John Angotti’s original musical, JOB, The NOW Testament, and has appeared on the nationally televised shows The Power of Love hosted by the late Fr. Michael Manning, SVD and Live With Passion with Fr. Cedric Pisegna, C.P.

Lorraine and her husband, Rob, have been married since 1990, and are recipients of the St. Louis Medallion Award for service to the Archdiocese of New Orleans. They are proud parents of four sons, her greatest vocation. Her work as a featured artist with WLP is also available at


Real-World Solutions for the Interpersonal Challenges of Pastoral Ministry - Sacred Music

People who work in pastoral ministry need tools to effectively deal with interpersonal challenges. Much like those who work in Human Resources, we must communicate with clergy, ministry leaders, parishioners, and ministry members. This workshop explores proven techniques for getting along with others in the context of discipleship and love of God and neighbor. Through story-telling, humor, scripture, and music, you will discover ways to build relationships that lead to effectively managing challenges.

Balancing Ministry, Music, and Motherhood - Sacred Music

Catholic mothers not only provide daily care for their children and families, but are expected to monitor how their children spend their time regarding schoolwork, hobbies, entertainment, social media, and more; yet, pastoral ministry often requires evening and weekend work and long-distance travel away from home. How can one possibly get it all done? Come learn strategies for keeping priorities in order, setting boundaries, and truly ministering within your vocation in healthy, effective, life-giving ways.

Eucharistic Adoration: A Communal Invitation to Mission - Sacred Music

Eucharistic adoration is a traditional Roman Catholic devotion. Vatican II’s emphasis on the ecclesial and missional nature of all worship invites us to reimagine a reformed version of adoration. This workshop will offer historical, theological, liturgical, and musical suggestions for communities who wish to shape vibrant experiences of adoration that will nourish a truly Eucharistic vision of church.

Collaboration in Parish Music Ministry: Unity not Division - Sacred Music

Your school has its own music repertoire for Mass. The teens of the parish have praise and worship nights. Saturday afternoon vigil Mass is organ-only and Sunday family Mass is led by piano and guitar. It seems like there are not only multiple musical styles used at liturgy but many different parishes in one. How do we become one Body of Christ when the liturgies seem so independent and separate from one another? Can we find some musical common ground?

I TRUST IN YOU: Mary, Martha, and the Relationship Between Trust and Mercy - Sacred Music

Through the lens of the Gospel stories of Mary and Martha, Lorraine breaks open the relationship between mercy and surrender. In hopelessness, when we feel we have lost all control, we look to God for mercy, yet we struggle with trust and surrender just as these women in scripture (Luke 10, John 11) did. The ability to surrender to God is not something we simply achieve, once and for all, but a daily struggle to practice. Come learn ways to practice this trust and this surrender in your ministry and your personal life.

New Music Ministry Director? How to Transition Yourself and Your Ministry - Sacred Music

As you start a new role as music director at a new parish or with a new group, it is sometimes difficult to fill someone else’s shoes, to meet the expectations of people who have always done things a certain way. How can you make it your own while respecting the traditions and dynamics of the new group and the parish? Learn how to gain trust and admiration from your new choir by listening before making changes, observing before judging, so you can do the job you were hired to do with cooperation and enthusiasm from those you now lead.

Activating the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to enjoy the Fruits of the Holy Spirit in Ministry - Sacred Music

How can we use the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit to carry out the mission of Christ as pastoral musicians so that the results of our efforts are not simply good liturgical music, but a ministry of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Are You Grateful? The Power of Gratitude - Sacred Music

Recent studies laud the transformative power of gratitude. How it improves our spiritual, physical, emotional, and social well-being. How it builds greater optimism, happiness, and self-esteem. How it strengthens our bonds and feelings of connection to God and one another. How it enhances our health, heart, and immune system. How it decreases stress, anxiety, depression, and headaches. We will unearth the scriptural and physical roots of gratitude and discover the inner "soul" of gratitude, what "makes it tick," and how it can reveal your deepest resources and transform your life.

Shine Like Gold Tested in Fire - Sacred Music

Struggles in life can make us "bitter" or "better." As Christians, how we carry our crosses can be opportunities for evangelization. Like gold tested in fire, we are purified when the gold reflects the image of its creator. Through storytelling, faith-sharing, and music, we will explore how we can allow the Holy Spirit to purify us so we can shine with the light of Christ and help others in their times of suffering.