Dr. Kevin P. Johnson is an Associate Professor of Music and Chairman of the Department of Music at Spelman College. His teaching opportunities include the Spelman College Glee Club, choral conducting and literature, music theory, and music technology. During his tenure as director of the Spelman College Glee Club he has been instrumental in raising the group’s level of musicality to new heights and increased the visibility of the performance ensemble.
Johnson earned bachelor's and master’s degrees in music from California State University, Los Angeles, and a doctoral degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music. He has taught music at high schools in Los Angeles and Kansas City, at California State University, Los Angeles, and is in his ninth year at Spelman College. Johnson has worked as Director of Music at various churches for thirty years and serves as music consultant for Catholic Archdiocese nation wide.
Dr. Johnson is an active conductor/clinician for honor choruses throughout the United States, and is often invited to provide choral workshops and retreats for music educators and churches. He is a member of the American Society of Composers and Publishers as well as an active member of the American Choral Directors Association. He is a member of Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, College Music Society and has been the recipient of several musical honors and awards throughout the United States.
African American Music in Catholic Worship - Sacred Music
This workshop examines the many uses of African American American music in Catholic worship. Special attention is given to understanding the history of this music in worship, the current musical practices, and future opportunities for developing meaningful worship experiences through the use of the various musical forms and expressions of African American music.
Composing Music for Catholic Worship - Sacred Music
This workshop explores the act of composing music for Catholic worship. An exploration of the elements of composition and liturgy, its need for universality, appropriateness, and adherence to Catholic teaching. This workshop will provide clarity to the composer who seeks to write quality music for use in the Holy Mass.
Responsorial Psalms - Sacred Music
A reading session of new responsorial psalms composed by Dr. Johnson and a conversation about the role of the responsorial psalms in the liturgy and new insights into composing psalms for worship.