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Elberdin, Josu

Josu Elberdin - Born in 1976 in Pasaia (Gipuzkoa, Spain), began his musical studies at the Conservatory of Pasaia, Pasaia Musikal, from which he received a degree (2001, 2003) as a teacher of piano and singing. He is also graduated in Social Education by UPV (Universidad del País Vasco) in 1997.
Since 1991, he works as an organist at Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Trintxerpe Church (Pasaia).

Since 2000, he works as a Music teacher at the Musical School of Pasaia, where he teaches Music and Movement, Composing Techniques, Score arrangement, Organ, and Piano, and also conducting and cooperating with several choral or instrumental groups.

Both as a choral singer and as a soloist, he has usually joined groups which have obtained awards and excellent press comments.
Josu Elberdin is mainly well known because of his composing works. He has won several composing awards at the Tolosa Music Contest and Lore jokoak composer Contest in Ondarroa (Bizkaia).

He has been commissioned by prestigious choirs all over the world, and has also set compulsory scores for international choral contests as Tolosako Nazioarteko Abesbatzen Lehiaketa, Antigua Abesbatzen Lehiaketa, Ejea de los Caballeros, San Vicente dela Barqueraor Gran Premio de Canto Coral Nacional (Spain).

He has attended to different workshops as a guest conductor and composer inMadrid,Ciudad Real, Araba and for the Basque Choir Federation.

His music is mainly dedicated to childrens choirs, and is performed as musical stories, some of which are accompanied by orchestra. Though his works are mainly choral, he has also a large production of symphonic works, as well as pop-rock and instrumental. He has worked for great artists as Garikoitz Mendizabal or Kepa Junkera.