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Nieto, John

John Nieto is the mariachi director at Brackenridge High School in San Antonio, a position he has held since 1990. He also serves as the lead mariachi instructor for San Antonio ISD, of which he is a graduate. He currently serves as arranger/copyist/instructor for the Albuquerque Mariachi Spectacular (21 years) and previously taught at similar workshops in Tucson, Arizona, and Las Cruces, New Mexico. John has been a guest clinician for Region Mariachi clinics throughout the state of Texas.

Mr. Nieto is a past member of the University of Texas Longhorn Band and was first trumpet in the Symphony Band and Wind Ensemble. He also studied with Raymond Crisara, to whom he owes much gratitude for all the lessons and advice. His journey into the music of mariachi began when he was taken against his will to rehearsals for Mariachi Infantil Guadalupano. Forty-seven years later he still hates to admit that his parents had good reason to drag him to perform with this group.

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