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Kyler, John T.

John T. Kyler serves as Liturgy and Music Editor at Liturgical Press in Collegeville, Minnesota. In addition to experience working in parish faith formation and high school and collegiate campus ministry, John is an active liturgical musician, composer, author and speaker, focusing on the intersection of liturgy, justice, and healthy vulnerability in pastoral ministry. An instructor in the Emmaus Institute for Ministry Formation and a regular contributor to GIA Quarterly, John holds a Master of Education from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Theological Studies from Saint John's University. John is the author of Holy Week at Home: Adaptations of the Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Rituals for Family and Household Prayer.


Modeling Healthy Vulnerability in Ministry - Sacred Music

We live in a world that seems to idolize feelings of invincibility. With this, how do we help those we minister to and with know there is another option? Christ invites us to find life amid vulnerability, as unsettling as it may seem, for Christianity is a celebration of the vulnerable. This workshop provides concrete suggestions for creating a culture of encounter that celebrates healthy vulnerability, rooted in Scripture, liturgy, and prophetic anamnesis.

Assessing Our Common Prayer - Sacred Music

Assessment is a fundamental tool in the field of education. What can we learn by applying some of these concepts of educational assessment to liturgy? This workshop utilizes assessment pedagogy as a means for understanding how we can observe and improve our celebration of liturgical prayer in ordinary ways and truly uphold liturgy as "the work of the people."