James Glover is a 2006 graduate of Morgan State University, where he had the opportunity to play for the famous Morgan State University Concert Choir, travel across the United States, and to Russia. James also had the opportunity to study conducting with the late renowned conductor, Dr. Nathan M. Carter. While at Morgan James’ compositions “Psalm 117” and “My Eternal King” were both performed by the Morgan State Choir. These two works were also published by GIA Publications, Inc., from Chicago and recorded under their label. “Psalm 117” was also presented in the Mass Choir of the Gospel Music Workshop of America and also recorded by GMWA.
The Oxon Hill High School Choir, under the direction of Dr. Emory Andrews, recently recorded James’ “Your Majesty”. The choirs at Israel Baptist Church and Emmanuel Baptist Church can be heard singing his “Jesus We Bless Your Holy Name.” He has written a host of other compositions and recently was commissioned to write an anthem for the church anniversary of Sargent Memorial Presbyterian Church.
James is an active member and musician at Emmanuel Baptist Church and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. He is also a member of the Gospel Music Workshop of American, The National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses, The Recording Academy of the Grammy Awards, and the Stellar Awards.
James prides himself on being a child of God.