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Werle, Floyd

Floyd Werle

Floyd Werle retired after 32 years as Chief of Composition and Arranging of the United States Air Force Band, Symphony Orchestra and Singing Sergeants. He has been hailed as one of the nation’s foremost composers. His works for symphonic band and symphonic orchestra have been acclaimed throughout America, especially the three Concerti for Trumpet written for Doc Severnson and performed by most of the major orchestras in the United States.

A native of Billings, Montana, he attended the University of Michigan, where he became a member of the famed Symphonic Band as well as creating many of the football half-time shows of the equally renowned Marching Band. He also served as piano soloist and created much special concert material, the M Rhapsody written as a sophomore, is still in their active repertoire. Mr. Werle’s schooling was interrupted[ by the Korean War so he chose the Air Force enlistment over the draft and such was his impact on the University that he was awarded a degree some 32 years later in a special ceremony at Ann Arbor. While at the University, his principal teachers were Dr. William D. Revelli, Director of Bands and Dr. Marilyn Mason, University Organist and Department Chair.

In 1978, Mr. Werle was honored by Golden Crest Records with a disc release of his works in its prestigious Authenticated Composers’ Series. The disc included the Second Symphony for Winds and the Divertimento for Eight Soloists. In addition, he has contributed original scores for 12 documentary motion pictures, and his large catalogue of published compositions and arrangements have been performed by literally thousands of high school and college ensembles world wide.