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DelBorgo, Elliot

Elliot Del Borgo

Born in Port Chester, New York, Elliot Del Borgo holds a B.S. degree from the State University of New York, an Ed.M degree from Temple University, and a M.M. degree from the Philadelphia Conservatory where he studied theory and composition with Vincent Persichetti and trumpet with Gilbert Johnson. In 1973 he was granted the doctoral equivalency by the State University of New York, and in 1993 was elected to membership in the American Bandmasters Association.

Mr. Del Borgo has taught instrumental music in the Philadelphia Public Schools and has recently retired as Professor of Music at the Crane School of Music where he held teaching and administrative positions since 1965. An award-winning member of ASCAP, he is a frequent consultant, clinician, lecturer, and adjudicator and is a widely known conductor of bands and orchestras.

In addition to his music for the 1980 Olympics, Mr. Del Borgo has published numerous compositions for a variety of media. His music reflects the aesthetics of twentieth century musical ideals through its eclectic nature and vigorous harmonic and rhythmic style.