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Frisch, Dorothy VanAndel

Composer, singer, organist, and pianist Dorothy VanAndel Frisch believes strongly that music is a gift for people of all ages and abilities. In addition to writing music for singers of all ages (preschoolers through adults) and for the usual church groups and instruments (children’s choir, adult choir, handbell choir, organ, and piano), Dorothy has specialized in composing and arranging music for unusual combinations of instruments and voices.

She is a graduate of Calvin College (Bachelor of Arts in Music, with a concentration in organ), and the University of Akron (Master of Music in history and literature). She has studied composition with Alice Parker and Jeanne Cotter. Throughout her career, she has focused on encouraging as many people as possible to use their musical gifts in worship, composing music as needed.

Dorothy resides in “the quiet corner” of Connecticut, amid dairy farms and forests. She is Composer-in-Residence and Associate Organist of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Southbridge, Massachusetts, just over the border. In her time at Holy Trinity, Dorothy has composed several anthems, the cantata “One Cold, Clear Night in Bethlehem” (text by John A. Dalles) and “Exultation” for euphonium and organ. She is a member of the Holy Trinity Choir and sings alto in the Holy Trinity Quartet. Her anthem “All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly” won an honorable mention in the Voice Found Choral Anthem Contest. Recently Dorothy completed “The Dawning Day,” an Easter cantata, text by John A. Dalles. It was premiered Easter morning, April 4, 2010.