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Colson, Craig

Craig Colson has been a music and liturgy director in the Phoenix area since 1993 and has recently relocated to Spring Grove, Illinois. Craig ministers and composes along with his wife, Kristen. Craig is the former Liturgy Liaison for Life Teen International and still provides music suggestions for the Life Teen liturgy planning guides. Skilled in piano, guitar, voice, percussion, and drums, he has been a presenter at conferences including the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM) conventions, LA Religious Education Congress and several Diocesan Conventions and Youth Days around the country.

Craig's latest collection with World Library is called "Higher Praise" which is a collection of contemporary Liturgical Music. He has also recently recorded a collection of contemporary Psalm Responses, Psalms for the Church, which were composed with his wife, Kristen. Craig has also recorded two other liturgical albums. I Am the Way is published with WLP. He and Kristen have also recorded a contemporary psalm collection CD, Fill Us with Your Love (Spirit and Song/OCP).

The Colson's live in Spring Grove, IL.


Using Technology Effectively in Music Ministry - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: Welcome to the new millennium! Explore different technologies to help everyday music ministers as well as your assemblies be engaged in deeper worship. Come discover how computers, ipads and great sound systems can enhance your music group and your congregation without distracting from it.

Can You Hear Me Now? Sound Systems - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: Many times we put a lot of resources into music, musicians, Lector and homily preparation which is all wonderful, but what good is it if the congregation can’t hear or understand what’s being spoken or sung? This workshop will explore cost efficient ways to help our overall music and spoken word to be comprehended by the entire Assembly.

Developing A Common Vision - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: It’s been said that the definition of insanity is to do the same over and over again and expect a different result. At our churches, we sometimes have the mentality to do the same thing we did last year. How can we embrace change together and get everyone on the same page? How can we get parishioners and staff to buy in to a common vision and game plan for moving our community forward.

Evenings of Song & Prayer - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: Slow down, relax and enjoy a beautiful evening holy hour of songs, stories and prayer in a candlelit environment in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. This powerful evening will draw your community deeper into authentic prayer and worship of the living God.

Creating Contemporary Ensembles - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: Explore effective tools of recruiting and training musicians for a contemporary Ensemble at Liturgy that does not over-power or distract from the Mass, rather leads the assembly in full, conscious, active participation.

Starting and Leading A Youth Liturgy - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: Craig has over 20 years of experience with the Life Teen model of Youth Liturgy. Come explore how to begin, sustain, or build up a Youth Mass in which young people are engaged and involved.

The GIRM: More Than Just “The Rules" - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: Come discover how we can embrace the Liturgy; engage assemblies while remaining faithful to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM).

Music Ministry: Not American Idol - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: Music Ministry is prayer. There is a great responsibility to being a part of the Liturgy. Our job is to add to the sung prayer, not distract from it. How can we get an “American Idol” society to put that aside for Mass?

I’m Not the Church of Tomorrow: Empowering Youth - Sacred Music

Presenter: Colson, Craig Empowering the next generation of church leadership to succeed and fulfill their roles as disciples.

How To Help Families Heal - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: Many times, brokenness in families can cause people to lose hope. How can we, as the healing touch of Christ, bring healing to those who have been wounded, left behind and abandoned. Young people, especially need to know that the church is a place that they can be nourished and strengthened in their faith and brought to new life in Christ.

How To Bring Healing To The Parish Staff Or Ministry Group - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: Often times the parish staff, who are supposed to be the leaders of the community, are the most wounded. This workshop will explore practical steps to bring your parish staff closer together to be the example they should be to the entire parish at large. Craig has over 25 years of experience working on parish staffs and has had multiple experiences with different dynamics amongst the staff.

Does Our Liturgy Welcome All? - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: How do we welcome the stranger in our midst? It’s a common statistic that Hospitality and welcoming are the things that will make someone come back to our parish and become an active member of our parish. This workshop will explore tangible ways that we can make our parishes more welcoming to the stranger and all who enter.

Using Lyric Projection As An Aide To Worship and Keeping Your Congregation Connected - Sacred Music

Artist: Colson, Craig Description: There are so many advantages to using projection for Liturgical celebrations. Not only do you hear more singing because peoples heads are lifted up. There are so many possibilities of how projection can aid the sung worship of your congregation without distracting from it. We will also explore how to use this technology for Advertising and marketing purposes in your parish.