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Greenwood, Connie

Connie Greenwood, a FAME-endorsed First Steps in Music teacher, teacher trainer, mentor, and advocate, has taught birth to kindergarten music classes for over thirty years. Connie runs her own music business, Greenwood Music Services, LLC, and presently teaches birth to kindergarten music classes in several schools as well as First Steps in Music parent-child classes.

Connie completed her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music education at the University of Hartford. She is honored to be featured on the DVD First Steps in Music for Infants and Toddlers in Action (GIA, 2018). She is a contributing author for the book Feierabend Fundamentals (GIA, 2018) and wrote the First Steps in Music Parent Handbook (GIA, 2018). Connie also partnered with Carnegie Hall’s Lullaby Project.

Connie has raised four tuneful, beatful, and artful children with her supportive husband and is now excited to be sharing interactive musical activities with her seven precious grandchildren. Connie enjoys gardening, playing piano and singing on a worship team, and cooking for her large family.

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