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Stowe, Cody

Cody Stowe lives in Colorado Springs, CO, where he's a member of the Awaken Catholic Worship Band, and is presently the Music Director for the Diocese of Colorado Springs' Young Adult Ministry. He preaches & sings online, through Facebook and YouTube, & at various local events.

Cody has a deep passion for making high quality music that reflects authentic human experiences & emotions. As a convert to Catholicism from Protestantism, he draws his inspiration from the Scriptures and Liturgy, reading, prayers/devotions, and his own personal spirituality through journaling. Cody writes to create moments for prayer, for both himself & his listeners, and seeks to make music that is inspiring, beautiful, and contemporary, while remaining faithful to Catholic spirituality and teachings.

Cody grew up in Pagosa Springs, CO, & loves the outdoors, having spent his childhood/ young adult life, living in various parts of the 'Four Corners' Area (CO, AZ, NM, UT) of the South Western United States. After more than two decades in youth & music ministry, he enjoys 'pop culture,' dabbles in graphic art, vlogging, writing, & creating music whenever he's not off having adventures with his young son, Zephaniah.