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Zapién, Carlos

Carlos Zapién is the Director of Music at St. Augustine Cathedral in Tucson and the Diocese of Tucson, Arizona. He studied at Conservatorio de Las Rosas in Morelia, Michoacán (Mexico), and earned advanced degrees from the University of Oregon and the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart, Germany.

Mr. Zapién is a concert and recording artist, as well as an active composer of secular and liturgical music. His works have been performed in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Australia, France, Germany, Italy and Mexico. Mr. Zapién’s compositions include Mass settings, such as Mass of the Most Holy Trinity and Misa al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Several of his works are available through GIA Publications, Inc.

For a complete biography and more information about Carlos Zapién, please visit his website at