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Jankowski, Bridget

In 1998, Bridget Jankowski was the first person to become a Licensed Body Mapping Educator after logging more than 150 hours of training with noted Alexander Technique teacher and Body Mapping pioneer Barbara Conable. Bridget is an original member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Body Mapping Education (formerly Andover Educators) and served as its President from 2013 to 2017. In 2019, she was presented with the prestigious Barbara Conable Teaching Award in recognition of her exemplary teaching, innovative ideas, support to colleagues, active involvement in the organization, and personal growth. She currently serves the organization as co-chair of the Image Committee and as a member of the Training Committee and Sponsoring Teacher. Bridget has taught Body Mapping courses and workshops in a variety of settings across the United States as well as online to international audiences. She is the author of Body Mapping for Music Ministers (GIA) and the founder of the Choral Mapping Program, an online Body Mapping curriculum for choirs. More information can be found at or


What Every Musician Needs to Know about the Body - Music Education

A six-hour course designed to set participants on a path of self­-evaluation and change by discovering and refining their body map. The course is based on the premise that movement is required for making music. Musicians must become aware of their movements and think of both their music and themselves from a movement perspective. Body maps exist in our brains and govern our movement. If one’s body map is accurate, movement is easy and efficient; if inaccurate, movement is inefficient, often uncomfortable and can potentially result in injury. Body Mapping is an essential component in music education and will help musicians have increasing pleasure and proficiency while becoming and remaining free of injury and pain through a lifetime of performing.

Body Mapping for Music Ministers - Music Education,Sacred Music

The health and wellness of Music Ministers is often neglected, but self-care is essential to good ministry. Based on the premise that helathy movement is necessary for healthy musicianship, musicians must become aware of their movements and think of both their music and themselves from a movement perspective. Body Mapping for Music Ministers gives musicians the tools to gain ease and freedom in their playing and singing, but also leads to a heightened awareness of themselves, their fellow musicians, including the assembly, and their intention. Musicians who work in this fully-embodied state are better equipped for the duities of their ministry. You can't be fully present to the Lord until you are fully present to yourself.

Choral Mapping - Music Education

Choral Mapping is a workshop designed to give conductors the tools to lead their choirs to healthy, movement-based choral singing. The workshop is in two parts, the first covers balance of the body in standing and singing, the second covers the structures and movements of breathing as related to healthy singing. The format is a series of short presentations followed by engaging, interactive explorations which actively involve the participants. Best for junior high, high school and adult choirs.