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Weisberg, Arthur

Authur Weisberg

Arthur Weisberg is considered one of the world’s leading bassoonists. He has taught for many years at Yale University, the State University of New York at Stonybrook and Harid Conservatory in Boca Raton, Florida. He has played bassoon with the Houston Symphony, the Cleveland Orchestra, the Baltimore Symphony and the Symphony of the Air. For fourteen years he was a member of the New York Woodwind Quintet. He has many recordings with the Quintet and several solo recordings including an all Bach solo bassoon album on Crystal Records.

Mr. Weisberg is also well known as a conductor, particularly of 20th century music, having conducted the New York Philharmonic and other orchestras throughout the world. As a conductor, he has recordings with the Contemporary Chamber Ensemble, the Orchestra of the 20th Century and many other ensembles.

As a composer he has numerous works for bassoon, a woodwind quintet, double wood-wind quintet and a number of pieces for wind instruments. His book Performing 20th Century Music is published by Yale University Press.

Mr. Weisberg has recently perfected a new key system for the bassoon that does away with one of its major acoustical flaws, completely stopping the problem of “cracking” on some of its most important notes. Soon to be released is his latest Bach recording, including one of Bach’s greatest works, the Chaconne, originally for violin. He continues to compose, and will soon be premiering a Concerto in Budapest. Presently, Mr. Weisberg is a Professor at Indiana University.