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Kimpton, Ann Kaczkowski

Ann Kaczkowski Kimpton is currently the Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction and former Literacy Department Chair and teacher at Willowbrook High School in suburban Chicago. Mrs. Kimpton received her Bachelors in English and Journalism from the University of Illinois, a Masters in Reading and Administrator’s Certificate from Northern Illinois University, and has completed the coursework for a doctoral degree. She has given numerous presentations and workshops at the local, state, and national level and is in constant demand as an expert in literacy.

An accomplished musician, Mrs. Kimpton played French horn in the University of Illinois Symphonic Bands under the direction of Dr. Harry Begian, and she is a color guard specialist for marching bands. With her husband Paul, a high school band director for 33 years, Mrs. Kimpton is the co-author of the Adventures in Music Series books, Starting Early and Dog Tags, published by GIA. You might also recognize her as the mother in the Yamaha Music band recruitment video, The Great Beginning.